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Resource utilization for the neurologically impaired patient : a compendium of available sources

CLEVELAND CLIN Q , 1985, vol. 52, n° 3, p. 339-344
Doc n°: 25029
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : KF - AIDES TECHNIQUES

Of the estimated 32 million physically handicapped people in the United States, 500.000 are restricted to a wheelchair. It is the obligation of the medical profession to seek ways of adapting the home environment and the community in order to help these people regain functional capability. Toward this end, each physician should compile a referral list of appropriate services and information agencies.
The author describes the basic books, governmental agencies, private enterprises, and charitable organizations which might serve as the backbone of such a resource file.

Langue : ANGLAIS

Tiré à part : OUI

Identifiant basis : 1986000006

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