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Phantom-limb pain : characteristics, causes, and treatment

LANCET NEUROL , 2002, vol. 1, n° 3, p. 182-189
Doc n°: 106598
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : EB14 - MEMBRE FANTOME

Phantom-limb pain is a common sequela of amputation, occurring in up to 80% of people who undergo the procedure. It must be differentiated from non-painful phantom phenomena, residual-limb pain, and non-painful residual-limb phenomena. Central changes seem to be a major determinant of phantom-limb pain; however, peripheral and psychological factors may contribute to it. A comprehensive model of phantom-limb pain is presented that assigns major roles to pain occurring before the amputation and to central as well as peripheral changes related to it. So far, few mechanism-based treatments for phantom-limb pain have been proposed. Most published reports are based on anecdotal evidence. Interventions targeting central changes seem promising. The prevention of phantom-limb pain by peripheral analgesia has not yielded consistent results. Additional measures that reverse or prevent the formation of central memory processes might be more effective.

Langue : ANGLAIS

Tiré à part : OUI

Identifiant basis : 2002224671

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