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Analysis of clinical motor testing for adult patients with diagnosed ulnar neuropathy at the elbow

ARCH PHYS MED REHABIL , 2009, vol. 90, n° 11, p. 1846-1852
Doc n°: 144666
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1016/j.apmr.2009.06.007
Descripteurs : DD55 - PATHOLOGIE - COUDE
Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To compare the dichotomous results for 7 ulnar nerve clinical motor
tests (Froment's sign, Wartenberg's sign, finger flexion sign, Jeanne's sign,
crossed finger test, Egawa's sign, presence of clinical fasciculations) with
motor nerve conduction velocity findings. DESIGN: A static group comparison
design assessed for differences among dichotomous test outcomes with respect to
motor nerve conduction velocity. SETTING: Five medical facilities throughout the
United States provided data for this study. PARTICIPANTS: Records from
participants (N=26) with diagnosed ulnar neuropathy at the elbow were included
for data analysis. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:
Demographic data included age, sex, handedness, duration of symptoms, and the
number of days between the clinical and electrodiagnostic exam. Other dependent
variables included motor conduction velocity of the ulnar nerve, compound muscle
action potential amplitude, and the dichotomous clinical motor test outcomes.
RESULTS: Two motor signs, the presence of clinical fasciculations and a positive
finger flexion sign, were identified more frequently (each present in 11
patients) than the other motor signs. An analysis of covariance revealed
significant differences in motor nerve conduction velocity between positive and
negative results for all the clinical motor tests except for the finger flexion
sign. Significant chi-square analyses were found for the following comparisons:
the presence of clinical fasciculations and Froment's sign, the finger flexion
sign and the crossed finger test, Egawa's sign and Froment's sign, Warteberg's
sign and Froment's sign, the crossed finger test and Froment's sign, and Egawa's
sign and Wartenberg's sign. CONCLUSIONS: Some clinical motor tests are better
than others at identifying early motor involvement, providing the rehabilitation
professional some insight regarding the relative decrement of motor nerve
conduction velocity when a selected test is positive.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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