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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Walking mechanics of persons who use reciprocating gait orthoses

J REHABIL RES DEV , 2009, vol. 46, n° 3, p. 435-446
Doc n°: 145308
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2008.01.0017
Descripteurs : DF23 - PATHOLOGIE - MARCHE

Although ambulation with a reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO) may provide physical
benefits to people with lower-limb paralysis, the high metabolic energy cost associated with ambulation limits orthosis use.
The purpose of this case series
was to investigate the dynamics of ambulation with RGOs to identify and better
understand the potential causes of the high energy cost. Data were acquired from
five regular users of RGOs. Kinematics and kinetics were measured, and the
moments and powers acting at the hips and shoulders calculated. All RGO users
walked with a flexed trunk and bore a large proportion of body weight through the
arms during single support. Moments at the shoulder encouraged trunk extension,
while moments at the hip encouraged trunk flexion. An extension moment acted on
the hip at the beginning of swing, which was antagonistic to the goal of swing
and contradicted the intent of the reciprocal link: to advance the swing leg.
These results suggest that characteristics of RGO ambulation are consistent
across users. The relationship between posture, forces acting on the walking
aids, and the action of the RGO reciprocal link should be further explored
because these factors likely contribute to the high metabolic cost of ambulation
with an RGO.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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