75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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The reliability of upper limb kinematics in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy

This study describes the reliability of a protocol for upper limb
three-dimensional movement analysis (UL-3DMA) in children with hemiplegic
cerebral palsy (HCP). The UL-3DMA is based on the ISB-recommendations, and
contains a set of functional and clinically relevant tasks. Tasks were selected
to reflect the characteristic movement deficits seen in children with HCP. The protocol consists of three reach tasks (forwards, upwards, sideways); two
reach-to-grasp tasks (with objects requiring different hand orientations) ; and
three gross motor tasks. Within and between session reliability was tested in a
group of 12 children with HCP, aged 6-15 years. Reliability of movement
duration/speed and joint angles at endpoint was assessed with the intraclass
correlation coefficient; similarity of the waveforms with the coefficient of
multiple correlation. Measurement errors were calculated for all parameters.
Results indicated good within and between session reliability for movement
duration/speed. Trunk, scapula, shoulder, elbow and wrist angles at endpoint
generally showed moderately high to very high reliability. High levels of
reliability were also found for scapula, shoulder and elbow waveforms and lower
levels for the wrist and trunk. Within and between session measurement errors
were below 5 degrees and 7 degrees , respectively, for most kinematic parameters.
Joint angles in the transverse plane, as well as wrist flexion generally showed
higher between session errors (7-10 degrees ). This study indicates that the
proposed protocol is a reliable tool to quantify upper limb movements in children
with HCP, providing a sound base for its clinical application. Further research
is needed to establish the discriminative ability of the UL-3DMA.
CI - Copyright (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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