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Excellent recovery of aphasia in a patient with complete injury of the arcuate fasciculus in the dominant hemisphere

NEUROREHABILITATION , 2011, vol. 29, n° 4, p. 401-404
Doc n°: 160199
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3233/NRE-2011-0718

The arcuate fasciculus (AF) is the neural tract that connects Wernicke's area and
Broca's area. The main role of the AF is speech repetition; therefore, injury to
the AF typically causes conduction aphasia. We report on a patient who showed
excellent recovery of aphasia despite complete injury of the AF due to a cerebral
infarct. A 54-year-old, right-handed male presented with aphasia and right
hemiparesis. Brain MRI showed an infarct in the left centrum semiovale and corona
radiata. Diffusion tensor tractography for the AF was reconstructed using
DTI-studio software. The Korean-Western Aphasia Battery (K-WAB) was used for
measurement of language function. On K-WAB at 1 week after onset, his aphasia
type was compatible with global aphasia (aphasia quotient: 12 per thousand,
fluency: 5 per thousand, comprehension: 24 per thousand, repetition: 15 per
thousand, and naming: 31 per thousand). The patient underwent rehabilitative
therapy, including language therapy and medication, which is known to facilitate
recovery from aphasia, for a period of 24 months. His aphasia had improved to a
nearly normal state at 30 months after onset; aphasia quotient: 93 per thousand
(fluency: 91 per thousand, comprehension: 92 per thousand, repetition: 85 per
thousand, and naming: 96 per thousand). The left AF showed a complete disruption
on 27-month diffusion tensor tractography. Findings from this study suggest the
possibility that aphasia might show good recovery, even in cases of severe injury
of the AF.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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