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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Design and evaluation of nonverbal sound-based input for those with motor handicapped

DISABIL REHABIL ASSIST TECHNOL , 2013, vol. 8, n° 2, p. 108-114
Doc n°: 161704
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/17483107.2012.737537
Descripteurs : J - HANDICAP

Most personal computing interfaces rely on the users' ability to use their hand
and arm movements to interact with on-screen graphical widgets via mainstream
devices, including keyboards and mice. Without proper assistive devices, this
style of input poses difficulties for motor-handicapped users. We propose a
sound-based input scheme enabling users to operate Windows' Graphical User
Interface by producing hums and fricatives through regular microphones.
Hierarchically arranged menus are utilized so that only minimal numbers of
different actions are required at a time. The proposed scheme was found to be
accurate and capable of responding promptly compared to other sound-based
schemes. Being able to select from multiple item-selecting modes helps reducing
the average time duration needed for completing tasks in the test scenarios
almost by half the time needed when the tasks were performed solely through
cursor movements. Still, improvements on facilitating users to select the most
appropriate modes for desired tasks should improve the overall usability of the
proposed scheme.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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