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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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The bodily experience of cerebral palsy : a journey to self-awareness

DISABIL REHABIL , 2013, vol. 35, n° 23, p. 1981-1990
Doc n°: 166672
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2013.770080

The aim of the study was to describe the lived bodily experience of
cerebral palsy (CP). METHOD: This was a descriptive phenomenological inquiry. Ten
participants were interviewed about their bodily experiences of living with CP.
Interviews were semi-structured around pain and fatigue. Inductive thematic
analysis was used to identify themes. RESULTS: The bodily experience of CP
centered on issues of fatigue and pain as a feeling of muscle soreness. An
overwhelming amount of the discussion on fatigue emphasized the fatigue that
occurs with walking and prolonged activity. Self-awareness of the individuals'
own bodies and adapting activity to continue to participate in various aspects of
their lives emerged as the most important theme. Some participants used
strategies to manage their pain or fatigue; other participants were not yet fully
aware of how to recognize signs of fatigue and/or how to adapt their activities.
CONCLUSIONS: Self-awareness appears to be an important process to be fostered by
service providers and parents. Specifically, encouraging youth with CP to be
aware of their own bodies and the effects (positive and negative) of activity on
pain and fatigue should be incorporated into transition programs as the
individual becomes responsible for his or her own health care needs. Implications
for Rehabilitation Fatigue is a major concern for some youth and young adults
with cerebral palsy. Adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy use a
variety of techniques (including adapting or restricting activity and building in
rest breaks) to manage fatigue. The process of self-awareness should be fostered
by health care professionals leading up to and during transition from pediatric
to adult care. Clinical conversations should explore the role of exercise,
adaptive equipment, rest and other strategies for dealing with fatigue with a
focus on understanding each client's needs individually.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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