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Le test des gobelets : normes et propriétés de détection d'un trouble cognitif chez des sujets selectionnés en population générale

Most current tools exploring visuospatial memory abilities are
poorly adapted to the elderly population. The Goblets test allows a brief
evaluation of visuospatial memory abilities through an encoding phase in which
the participant has to learn a particular sequence and a further delayed recall
phase. The aim of the present work was to produce normative scores for this test
and to study its properties in the detection of dementia. METHODS: Data were
collected in a sample of 1002 agricultural retirees aged 65 years and over
included in the AMI study, a population-based cohort study conducted in Gironde
(southwestern France). The sample analyzed to establish normative data included
795 non-institutionalized and non-demented participants. Regarding the validity
study, the sample analyzed included 912 participants of whom 76 subjects with a
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. RESULTS: Normative scores were calculated
according to age (65-74 years and 75 years and over) and educational level
(primary school level not validated by a diploma, primary school level validated
by a diploma and more than a primary school level). The normative scores of the
learning phase were described using the percentiles while rates of success were
reported for the delayed recall. Regarding the properties of the test, the
Goblets test seemed to be more specific than sensitive and presented high
negative predictive values. The Youden index showed that the better cut-off score
was two trials (with 75.0% sensitivity and 83.0% specificity). CONCLUSION: The
Goblets test can be a helpful tool in screening for dementia. Nevertheless, like
many other simple and quick cognitive tests, it cannot be used alone to establish
the diagnosis of dementia. This test has the advantage to be easy to administer
in clinical situations; the normative scores presented in this study could be
used as an aid to interpret a patient's performance.
CI - Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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