75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Assistive technology as reading interventions for children with reading impairments with a one-year follow-up

This pilot study investigated the possible transfer effect on reading
ability in children with reading difficulties after a systematic intervention to
train and compensate for reading deficiencies by using applications in
smartphones and tablets.
The effects of using assistive technology (AT) one year
after the interventions were completely studied. School related motivation,
independent learning and family relations were also considered. METHOD: 35 pupils
aged 10-12 years participated. They were assessed five times with reading tests.
The participants, their parents and teachers were surveyed with questionnaires
regarding their experience of using AT. The data from the assessments were
analyzed with paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The data from the
questionnaires were analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS: The paper shows
that using AT can create transfer effects on reading ability one year after the
interventions were finished. This means that reading impaired children may
develop at the same rate as non-impaired readers. Also, increased school
motivation and an increase in independent learning and family effects have been
shown. CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides implications in how to facilitate reading
impaired pupils' learning process and realizes the need to challenge the concept
of reading to change to fit modern means of gaining information. Implications for
rehabilitation Children with reading impairment could benefit from assistive
technology in regards of their reading development process and increase their
chances of not falling behind peers. Assistive technology as applications in
smartphones and tablets may aid children with reading impairment to have an equal
platform for learning in school as their peers without reading difficulties.
Assistive technology could facilitate the information gaining process and
subsequently increase motivation to learn and increase interest in reading
activities. Assistive technology had wider effects on its users: stigmatizing
situations when leaving the classroom for special education were avoided and
positive effects on family life were noted.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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