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Foot pressure pattern, hindfoot deformities, and their associations with foot pain in individuals with advanced medial knee osteoarthritis

GAIT POSTURE , 2018, vol. 59, p. 83-88
Doc n°: 188169
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.09.041
Descripteurs : DE553 - GONARTHROSE , DE85 - PATHOLOGIE - PIED

This survey clarified foot pressure patterns and hindfoot deformities in
individuals with advanced knee osteoarthritis (OA) and analyzed their
associations with foot pain.
Sixty-four individuals with unilateral knee OA who
underwent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) were divided into the following groups:
no foot pain (n=26; men:women, 4:22; mean age, 73.7 years), foot pain resolved
after TKA (12; 2:10; 75.8), and foot pain remaining after TKA (26; 4:22; 74.7).
Elderly individuals without pain or deformity in either knee (54; 10:44; 74.3)
were controls. Navicular height ratio of the medial longitudinal arch, leg-heel
angle, and partial foot pressure as the percentage of body weight (%PFP) were
calculated.%PFPs of the medial and lateral heel regions before TKA were
significantly lower for the no foot pain group than for controls. One year after
TKA, %PFP improved significantly. In the foot pain resolved group, before TKA,
the leg-heel angle was significantly higher, and%PFPs of the medial and lateral
heel regions and navicular height ratio before TKA were significantly lower than
those of controls. One year after TKA, all parameters improved significantly. In
the foot pain remaining group, similar abnormalities were observed before TKA;
however, significant improvement was only observed for%PFP of the medial heel
region 1year after TKA. More than half of the patients with advanced knee OA had
foot pain. This improved in approximately one-third, 1year after TKA. Hindfoot
deformities are probably associated with foot pain in individuals with advanced
knee OA.
CI - Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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