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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Trunk muscle activation during stabilization exercises with single and double leg support

The aim of this study was to analyze trunk muscle activity during bridge style
stabilization exercises, when combined with single and double leg support
strategies. Twenty-nine healthy volunteers performed bridge exercises in 3
different positions (back, front and side bridges), with and without an elevated
leg, and a quadruped exercise with contralateral arm and leg raise ("bird-dog").
Surface EMG was bilaterally recorded from rectus abdominis (RA), external and
internal oblique (EO, IO), and erector spinae (ES). Back, front and side bridges
primarily activated the ES (approximately 17% MVC), RA (approximately 30% MVC)
and muscles required to support the lateral moment (mostly obliques),
respectively. Compared with conventional bridge exercises, single leg support
produced higher levels of trunk activation, predominantly in the oblique muscles.
The bird-dog exercise produced greatest activity in IO on the side of the
elevated arm and in the contralateral ES. In conclusion, during a common bridge
with double leg support, the antigravity muscles were the most active. When
performed with an elevated leg, however, rotation torques increased the
activation of the trunk rotators, especially IO. This information may be useful
for clinicians and rehabilitation specialists in determining appropriate exercise
progression for the trunk stabilizers.
CI - Copyright (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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