75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Measuring stroke survivors' functional status independence

An understandable measure to describe disabilities after stroke is important for
clinical practice; practitioners often use multiple measures that contain
different scoring systems and scales to rate activities of daily living (ADL)
independence. We compared the construct of independence in five measures used
with stroke survivors. The measures evaluated independence of the stroke
survivors somewhat differently. The Rasch analysis Partial Credit Model converted
items from these measures to a single metric, yielding an item difficulty
hierarchy of all items from the measures. Data from the measures should be
interpreted carefully because other concepts or constructs in addition to ADL
independence are included in some of the measures.
Rasch diagnostics regarding
construct validity and reliability of the combined measures also indicated that
these measures are not interchangeable. Although the items of the combined ADL
measures were unidimensional, they measured independence from multiple
perspectives, and the scale of the combined measures was not linear.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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