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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Narrative environments and the capacity of disability narratives to motivate leisure-time physical activity among individuals with spinal cord injury

DISABIL REHABIL , 2013, vol. 35, n° 24, p. 2089-2096
Doc n°: 167455
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2013.821179

Few individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) engage in the recommended
amount of leisure time physical activity (LTPA). Yet little is known about how,
and why, active individuals engage in specific types of LTPA. This study explored
how a unique narrative environment and disability narratives motivated
individuals with SCI to engage in LTPA. METHOD: Fourteen individuals with SCI
from a physical activity program participated in approximately hour-long
interviews. Interviews were then subjected to a narrative analysis. RESULTS:
Individuals who used a restitution narrative (n = 6) were motivated to engage in
functional LTPA because of the desire to maintain the body and restore the past
self. The individual who used the chaos narrative (n = 1) preferred solitary LTPA
as exposure to others with SCI was a constant reminder of the lost, pre-injury
self. Individuals who used a quest narrative (n = 7) explored LTPA options that
fit with their interests; these individuals were open to new types of LTPA, such
as sport and outdoor recreation. CONCLUSION: The plot of three disability
narratives can all motivate the pursuit of LTPA; however, not all types of LTPA
are seen as equal. LTPA interventions can be enhanced through the lessons learned
from this unique type of environment. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION: Despite
individuals' views about their disability, they can still be motivated to engage
in routine LTPA. Different theoretical determinants, such as health or social
benefits, hold different relevance for LTPA among individuals with differing
disability narratives. The environment provided by practitioners can therefore
elicit some stories of SCI while stifling others. Open narrative environment will
attract individuals to listen and maintain involvement in LTPA.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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