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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Sex differences between Veterans participating in interdisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation

J REHABIL RES DEV , 2016, vol. 53, n° 1, p. 83-94
Doc n°: 178366
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2014.10.0250
Descripteurs : AD82 - TRAITEMENTS - DOULEUR

The improved management of pain among the growing number of female Veterans
receiving care through the Veterans Health Administration has been established as
a priority, but studies suggest that females may respond differently to pain
treatment. This study explored differences between female and male Veterans
engaged in a Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program and determined how female and
male Veterans change following participation. Veterans (N = 324) in a 3 wk
inpatient program completed self-report measures at admission, discharge, and 3
mo follow-up. Participants were 21% female (n = 67) and 79% male (n = 257).
Compared with males, females were younger and less likely to be white or
married/partnered. Females reported shorter pain duration and were more likely to
have primary head or limb pain. At admission, fewer females were prescribed
opioids than males and at lower doses. After opioid cessation in the program,
however, there were no significant differences in use between the sexes at
follow-up. Improvements in a range of domains were sustained at follow-up for
both sexes, but females did not maintain gains in pain intensity or sleep while
males reported more pain-related fear at discharge and follow-up. This study adds
to the literature on sex-specific variations in chronic pain and implications for

Langue : ANGLAIS

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