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54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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The effect of manipulation of the center of pressure of the foot during gait on the activation patterns of the lower limb musculature

Therapeutic devices that manipulate the center of pressure (COP) of
the foot can induce kinetic and kinematic changes in gait. Appropriate changes in
joint moments and muscle activation during gait have been proven to be beneficial
for patients with neuromuscular and orthopedic disorders. The purpose of this
study was to investigate the effect of different COP positions during gait on the
activity of the lower limb musculature of healthy subjects. METHODS: A novel
foot-worn biomechanical device that allows controlled manipulation of the COP
during gait was used. Twelve healthy males underwent EMG analyses of the key
muscles of the leg while wearing the device. The trials were carried out at six
COP positions relative to neutral configuration: anterior, posterior, medial,
lateral, dorsi flexion and plantar flexion. RESULTS: The EMG activity of the
lateral gastrocnemius varied significantly with COP during terminal stance
(p=0.023) and preswing (p=0.020), the tibialis anterior during load response
(p=0.019) and midstance (p=0.004), the biceps femoris during terminal stance
(p=0.009) and the vastus lateralis during initial contact (p=0.010). CONCLUSION:
There are significant changes in the muscle activity of the lower limb in
response to manipulation of the COP of the foot during gait.
CI - Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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