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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Cognitive-motor interference during functional mobility after stroke

Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

Cognitive-motor interference (CMI) is evident when simultaneous performance of a
cognitive task and a motor task results in deterioration in performance in one or
both of the tasks, relative to performance of each task separately. The purpose
of this review is to present a framework for categorizing patterns of CMI and to
examine the specific patterns of CMI evident in published studies comparing
single-task and dual-task performance of cognitive and motor tasks during gait
and balance activities after stroke. We also examine the literature for
associations between patterns of CMI and a history of falls, as well as evidence
for the effects of rehabilitation on CMI after stroke. Overall, this review
suggests that during gait activities with an added cognitive task, people with
stroke are likely to demonstrate significant decrements in motor performance only
(cognitive-related motor interference), or decrements in both motor and cognitive
performance (mutual interference). In contrast, patterns of CMI were variable
among studies examining balance activities. Comparing people poststroke with and
without a history of falls, patterns and magnitude of CMI were similar for
fallers and nonfallers. Longitudinal studies suggest that conventional
rehabilitation has minimal effects on CMI during gait or balance activities.
However, early-phase pilot studies suggest that dual-task interventions may
reduce CMI during gait performance in community-dwelling stroke survivors. It is
our hope that this innovative and critical examination of the existing literature
will highlight the limitations in current experimental designs and inform
improvements in the design and reporting of dual-task studies in stroke.
CI - Copyright (c) 2013 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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