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Gender differences in the importance of participation associated with injure workers /persons perceived barriers to returning to work in the context of
vocational rehabilitation

DISABIL REHABIL , 2015, vol. 37, n° 1-2, p. 78-85
Doc n°: 174185
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2014.907827

PURPOSE: To investigate gender differences in the importance of participation in
core domains of life, and the association to perceived hindrances for return to
work (RTW) before (T1) and after (T2) vocational rehabilitation. METHODS: Two
hundred-seventy (T1) and 149 (T2) respondents completed the questionnaire. Gender
differences in the importance of participation were calculated using t-tests. A
principal component analysis was conducted on 21 questions of hindrances for RTW.
A four-component structure was chosen. The family care barrier component was kept
as an outcome variable in the logistic regression. RESULTS: There were mean
gender differences in importance of participation in family prior to chronic pain
and at T1. Importance of work changed from prior to pain to rehabilitation. At T1
children, age and importance of participation in work and family contributed to
the model for women. For men importance of participation in leisure contributed
to the model. The variables which contributed to the model at T2 for women were
age and importance of participation in work and for men; children and importance
of participation in leisure. CONCLUSION: Understanding gender differences in
participation, and the association to hindrances for RTW, can enhance the
rehabilitation counsellor's ability to work collaboratively with the clients.
Implications for Rehabilitation Participation is a value and context driven
process which influences the process of vocational rehabilitation. Understanding
the driving forces for participation in important domains of life can illuminate
gender differences in the process and outcome of vocational rehabilitation.
Understanding gender differences in importance of participation, and the
association to perceived hindrances to return to work, facilitates a shared
understanding of rehabilitation goals among clients and rehabilitation

Langue : ANGLAIS

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