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Repositioning the scapula with taping following distal radius fracture : Kinematic analysis using 3-dimensional motion system

J HAND THER , 2017, vol. 30, n° 4, p. 477-482
Doc n°: 185103
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1016/j.jht.2017.07.001
Descripteurs : DD36 - TRAITEMENTS - EPAULE

Cross-sectional and controlled laboratory study using
pretest-posttest design. INTRODUCTION: Patients with distal radius fracture
(DRfx) report proximal segment problems. Taping is commonly recommended because
it provides improved posture and function. This study aimed
to investigate the 3-dimensional scapular kinematics and the effect of taping on
the kinematics in participants with DRfx. METHODS: Twenty participants with a
unilateral history of DRfx and 20 healthy controls participated. Scapular
kinematics was assessed using an electromagnetic system. Three separate strips of
elastic taping were applied for participants with DRfx over the arm, scapula, and
middle and lower trapezius muscles through the paravertebral muscles. Afterward,
the scapular kinematics was reassessed in taped condition. RESULTS: When
participants with DRfx and healthy controls compared, the scapula was more
downwardly rotated at 120 degrees of humerothoracic elevation (mean difference
[MD], 9.06 degrees ) and at 120 degrees (MD, 9.04 degrees ), 90 degrees (MD, 5.6
degrees ) of humerothoracic lowering, more upwardly rotated at 30 degrees of
humerothoracic lowering (MD, 5.1 degrees ). Taping showed a significant effect on
kinematics; specifically, the scapula was more externally rotated (38.9 degrees
untaped vs 31.1 degrees taped) and posteriorly tilted (-9.2 degrees untaped vs
-4.8 degrees taped) during humerothoracic elevation and lowering for participants
with DRfx. DISCUSSION: Participants with DRfx showed different scapular
kinematics and taping resulted in changes on tested kinematic parameters during
humeral movements. Differences in scapular motion during elevation with taping
showed a specific pattern. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, taping maintained a position
likely to produce optimal rotator cuff function during early rehabilitation of
patients with DRfx.
CI - Copyright (c) 2017 Hanley & Belfus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights

Langue : ANGLAIS

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