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The strength of the ankle dorsiflexors has a significant contribution to walking speed in people who can walk independently after stroke

Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the strength of muscles of the
affected lower limb and walking speed after stroke.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional
observational study. SETTING: University laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Stroke
survivors (N=60; mean age +/- SD, 69+/-11y) 1 to 6 years poststroke, able to walk
10m independently without aids. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Maximum isometric strength of 12 muscle groups (hip flexors/extensors,
adductors/abductors, internal/external rotators, knee flexors/extensors, ankle
dorsiflexors/plantarflexors, invertors/evertors) of the affected lower limb was
measured using hand-held dynamometry. Comfortable walking speed was measured
using the ten-meter walk test. RESULTS: Univariate analysis revealed that
strength of the hip flexors (r=.35, P=.01), hip extensors (r=.29, P=.03), hip
internal rotators (r=.30, P=.02), hip adductors (r=.29, P=.03), knee extensors
(r=.27, P=.03), knee flexors (r=.30, P=.02), ankle dorsiflexors (r=.50, P=.00),
ankle plantarflexors (r=.29, P=.03), and ankle evertors (r=.33, P=.01) were all
positively associated with walking speed. Multivariate analysis (n=58) revealed
that the combined strength of the ankle dorsiflexors and the hip flexors
accounted for 34% of the variance in walking speed (P<.001). The ankle
dorsiflexors accounted for 31% of the variance (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: The
strength of muscle groups other than the lower limb extensors, particularly the
ankle dorsiflexors, has an important role in determining walking speed after
CI - Copyright (c) 2012 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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