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Parent questionnaires measuring feeding disorders in preschool children : a systematic review

DEV MED CHILD NEUROL , 2015, vol. 57, n° 9, p. 798-807
Doc n°: 176932
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1111/dmcn.12748
Descripteurs : AJ112 - PATHOLOGIQUE

AIM: Preschool feeding disorders are common and debilitating and are associated
with a range of developmental and medical issues. Parent report allows assessment
of feeding in a naturalistic environment over time, with advantages over
time-limited, clinic-based observations. However, little is understood about the
limitations and advantages of current parent-report measures. We aimed to
systematically review the psychometrics and clinometrics of parent-administered
feeding questionnaires. METHOD: Five search engines were used to identify
questionnaires that met inclusion criteria, i.e. being norm-or
criterion-referenced, child focused, appropriate for preschool children, and
measured two or more feeding domains (e.g. dysphagia/oral motor delay, food
refusal). RESULTS: In total 3535 abstracts were identified and 215 full-text
articles were evaluated. Five questionnaires met the criteria. The Behavioral
Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS) was the most reliable questionnaire
identified, with good test-retest reliability and internal consistency. More
predictive and concurrent validity data was available for the BPFAS, the Mealtime
Behavior Questionnaire, and the Montreal Children's Hospital Feeding Scale than
for other measures. INTERPRETATION: Further research is needed on the
psychometric properties of feeding questionnaires used in research and clinical
practice. To date, the BPFAS has the most comprehensive reliability and validity
data of any parent-administered feeding questionnaire for preschool children.
CI - (c) 2015 Mac Keith Press.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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