75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Social cognitive or learning theory use to improve self-efficacy in musculoskeletal rehabilitation

OBJECTIVE: To review the rehabilitation research methodological quality and
intervention effectiveness of studies that used social cognitive or learning
theory principles to improve self-efficacy in patients with orthopedic or
musculoskeletal conditions. DESIGN: A systematic literature review and
meta-analysis of peer reviewed studies published in English was performed using
the OVID and SPORTDiscus databases. Initial search terms were "social cognitive
theory" or "social learning theory" combined with "rehabilitation". RESULTS: From
the 25 total studies that contributed to this review, 23 contributed patient
outcome information and 20 contributed to effect size determination. Of 1947
total study participants, most (n = 1537, 78.9%) were women. Participants were
primarily late middle-age (64.8 +/- 17 years). Studies included participants with
hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA) or who were post-hip or knee arthroplasty (11/25,
44%), post-femur or tibia fracture (6/25, 24%), adults in assisted living or
inpatient rehabilitation facilities (2/25, 8%), independent community dwelling
older adults (2/25, 8%), college-age recreational athletes post-sports injury
(2/25, 8%), older women with osteoporosis risk (1/25, 4%) or middle-aged adults
post-traumatic hand injury (1/25, 4%). For the 20 studies that contributed to
effect size determination, a large overall mean effect size (Cohen's d = 0.98,
95% CI 0.42-1.86) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Studies that used social cognitive
or learning theory principles to improve self-efficacy in patients with
orthopedic or musculoskeletal conditions generally displayed moderate to large
effect sizes supporting this intervention. Sound research methodological quality
and low risk of intervention-related injury or other adverse events were also
generally observed. Findings suggest that these interventions may also benefit
individuals with conditions that have not progressed to end-stage salvage surgery
such as younger, more athletically active individuals for knee OA prevention.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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