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Test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the Quebec-French version of the survey of pain attitudes

ARCH PHYS MED REHABIL , 2005, vol. 86, n° 4, p. 782-788
Doc n°: 117997
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : AD8 - DOULEUR
Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

Objective: To determine the test-retest reliability and internal consistency of the Quebec-French version of the Survey of Pain Attitudes (QAD/F-SOPA). Design: Measurement of test-retest reliability (2-wk interval) and internal consistency. Setting: Five rehabilitation settings that offer services to chronic pain patients. Participants: Convenience sample of 69 Francophone adults (having either French as the mother tongue or a good mastery of French) with musculoskeletal pain for a minimum of 6 months and stable pain condition during the test-retest interval. Interventions: Completion of the QAD/F-SOPA twice within a 2-week interval. Main Outcome Measures: Test-retest reliability (Pearson r, 2-tail paired t test, P < .001) and internal consistency (Cronbach alpha at time 1). Results: Fifty-six subjects completed the QAD/F-SOPA on both occasions. Except for the disability subscale, the r values fell between 0.7 and 0.9 (high correlation). For the paired t test, all subscales (except for control and medication) had a P value greater than .05, confirming their test-retest stability. All subscales showed satisfactory internal consistency estimates (0.7-0.9) except for the harm (.67) and disability (.64) subscales. Conclusions: Globally, the QAD/F-SOPA has good reliability and validity properties and meets the prerequisites for use for clinical and research purposes. The disability subscale shows weaker properties; further studies would help determine how it could be improved. (c) 2005 by American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Langue : ANGLAIS

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