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A comparison of self-generated versus taught internal strategies for working memory

NEUROREHABILITATION , 2015, vol. 36, n° 2, p. 187-194
Doc n°: 174849
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3233/NRE-151206
Descripteurs : AD67 - MEMOIRE

Internal strategies are effective for improving working memory. These
internal working memory strategies can be taught or self-generated. OBJECTIVE: This study compares working memory performance using taught versus self-generated
internal working memory strategies and explores the quantity, type and carry-over
of the use of these strategies. METHODS: An experimental cohort design with
randomly assigned groups compared the performances among 120 participants on 5
memory tests given prior, immediately following and at 1 month post intervention.
RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the number or type of internal
memory strategies used by the groups with chunking, repetition and association
used most commonly. The group that self-generated strategies performed
significantly better on a contextual memory test and the group that was taught
strategies performed better on a face/name recall test for which a specific
strategy was taught. The group that was taught strategies performed significantly
worse on contextual memory tests from pre-test to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS:
Participants who generated their own strategies or used a specific strategy for a
specific task did as well as participants who were taught myriad internal WM
strategies. Teaching too many strategies may overwhelm participants or may
distract them from using the context that is available in such tasks.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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