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Dynamic anterior cervical plates for multilevel anterior corpectomy and fusion with simultaneous posterior wiring and fusion

SPINAL CORD , 2006, vol. 44, n° 7, p. 432-439
Doc n°: 126146
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe , en ligne
Descripteurs : CC5 - PATHOLOGIE - RACHIS CERVICAL Url : http://www.nature.com/sc/archive/index.html

objective : To prospectively evaluate major complications associated with the application of dynamic ABC plates (Aesculap, Tuttlingen, Germany) to multilevel Anterior Corpectomy/Fusion (ACF) followed by posterior fusion (C2-C7 PF). OBJECTIVES: To determine whether dynamic ABC (Aesculap, Tuttlingen, Germany) plates would minimize major complications (plate/graft extrusion, pseudarthrosis) while maximizing neurological outcomes in 40 consecutive patients undergoing simultaneous multilevel ACF/PF with halo application. SETTING: USA. METHODS: Patients averaged 53 years of age and preoperatively exhibited severe myeloradiculopathy (Nurick Grade 3.9). MR/CT studies documented marked ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament/spondylostenosis. Surgery included two to four level ACF utilizing fibula strut allograft and ABC plates. Posterior spinous process wiring/fusions utilized braided titanium cables. The average operative time was 8.9 h. Fusion was confirmed on dynamic X-rays/CTs (3-12 months postoperatively). The average follow-up interval was 2.7 years. Outcomes (3 months-2 years postoperatively) were assessed utilizing Odom's Criteria, Nurick Grades, and SF-36 questionnaires. RESULTS: Major complications included one pseudarthrosis requiring secondary PWF. Minor complications in six patients included two pulmonary emboli (PE), two tracheostomies, and five superficial wound infections. At 1 year postoperatively, marked improvement was observed in all patients utilizing Odom's criteria (38 excellent/good), Nurick Grades (mild radiculopathy 0.4), and the SF-36 (3 Health Scales; Role Physical (12.5-38.6), Bodily Pain (39.9-65.5), and Role Emotional (53.8-75.8)]. The 2-year postoperative data showed minimal additional improvement. The average time to fusion was 6.3 months. CONCLUSION: Patients undergoing multilevel ACF/PF demonstrated marked neurological improvement (SF-36), and only one of 40 developed a delayed pseudarthrosis.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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