75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Review of quantitative measurements of upper limb movements in hemiplegic cerebral palsy

This review provides an overview of results found in literature on objective
measurements of upper limb movements in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy
(HCP). Seventeen articles were selected following a systematic search. Analysed
tasks varied from simple reaching and gross motor functions to complex, fine
motor tasks. Spatiotemporal characteristics have been extensively studied and
longer movement durations, slower movement speed and reduced trajectory
straightness at the affected upper limb, compared to the non-affected side or
healthy children, were most frequently reported. Joint kinematics has been far
less studied. The limited data confirm the clinical impression of children with
HCP using less elbow extension and supination to reach for an object, which is
compensated by increased trunk flexion. Increased trunk involvement was also
reported during gross motor functions. Although three-dimensional (3D) movement
analysis seems promising to provide additional insights in the pathological upper
limb movements observed in HCP, future standardisation of the entire protocol is
crucial. No consensus exists on the procedures for data collection, processing,
analysing and reporting of results, or what upper limb tasks should be assessed.
The International Society of Biomechanics recently proposed recommendations on
the definition of upper limb joint coordinate systems and rotation sequences.
These guidelines were not yet applied in these studies. Although the diverse
methodological approaches used in the studies complicate the comparison of
published results, some general conclusions could be drawn. A further
standardisation of the protocol for 3D upper limb movement analysis will provide
the foundation for comparable and repeatable results and eventually facilitate
the selection and planning of treatment interventions.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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