75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Social participation of relatives post-stroke : the role of rehabilitation and
related ethical issues

Describe the challenges facing relatives of persons with stroke in
accomplishing their daily activities and social roles (participation).
Reflect on the role of rehabilitation for relatives and ethical issues that may
emerge following the adoption of a family-centred approach. METHOD: Review of the
scientific literature in Medline (1996 to July 2009), Embase (1996 to July 2009)
databases using keywords: stroke AND participation AND family OR spouse OR
caregivers AND ethics AND burden. Selection criteria were as follows: study must
examine the participation of relatives post-stroke (or equivalent concept such as
burden), rehabilitation interventions for relatives post-stroke or ethical issues
related to being a relative of a person with stroke.
Articles not written in
English or French were excluded. RESULTS: The sample comprised 17 scientific
articles. According to five studies, social participation of relatives is
characterised by increased responsibilities and a reduction in interpersonal
relationships and leisure. In rehabilitation, there is no consensus regarding
what should be done for relatives; guidelines exist but are not applied in
practice. Little has been formally reported regarding ethical issues likely to
emerge for relatives. CONCLUSIONS: The main impact of stroke is on social roles
of relatives such as responsibilities, interpersonal relationships and leisure.
The role of rehabilitation and related ethical issues needs further examination.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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