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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Influence of ankle-foot orthoses on kinematic segmental covariation among stroke patients = Effets des orthèses suropédieuses sur la covariation cinématique segmentaire chez les patients hémiparétiques

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of ankle-foot orthosis on lower limbs
kinematic segmental covariation (KSC) among stroke patients. METHODS: Ten chronic
hemiparetic spastic stroke patients presenting with a lack of ankle dorsiflexion
were assessed with instrumented gait analysis under three conditions: wearing a
shoe, with a prefabricated ankle-foot orthosis (AFO),
and with a dynamic AFO.
Kinematic parameters were recorded and computed KSC was calculated according to
Borghese's methodology. RESULTS: Contrary to the prefabricated AFO, the dynamic
AFO improved KSC of the paretic side. We observed a high correlation between the
external mechanical work and the affected side's KSC. In the unaffected side, KSC
was globally unchanged. CONCLUSION: In stroke patients, wearing a dynamic AFO
improves KSC of the paretic lower limb only.
CI - Copyright (c) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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