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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Does the new Helix 3D hip joint improve walking of hip disarticulated amputees ? = La nouvelle pièce de hanche Helix 3D améliore-t-elle la marche des patients désarticulés de hanche ?

Testing the new hip joint Helix(3D) efficiency through clinical data and
walking parameters. METHOD: Three young hip-disarticulated patients (P1, P2 and
P3) were assessed both with their previous prosthesis at first day, then four
days and six months after being trained with a new prosthesis equipped with the
Helix(3D) hip joint. Assessments comprised a satisfaction questionnaire, a
two-minute walk test and a recording of main spatiotemporal gait parameters
RESULTS: After four days with the Helix(3D), the satisfaction for the prosthesis
was improved for P1, unchanged for P2 and reduced for P3. Distance walked during
two minutes increased for P1, unchanged for P2 and slightly improved for P3. Gait
pattern was improved in P1, only. P1 abandoned the Helix(3D) at six months due to
an ischiatic wound. P2 and P3 chose not to use the Helix at the end of the four
days training period because they could not adapt to the Helix(3D)
characteristics (hydraulic control of hip extension and assistance to hip
flexion) and because they did not gain enough benefits. Despite much effort to
adjust the prosthesis, the three patients definitively abandoned the Helix(3D)
because of comfort problems, and decided to walk with their previous prosthesis
equipped with a monocentric hip joint or even with crutches only. CONCLUSION: The
Helix(3D) hip joint may need further developments to get clinically relevant for
hip-disarticulated amputees who may also need a long training period to adapt to
its technical characteristics.
CI - Copyright (c) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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