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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Identifying physical activity information needs and preferred methods of delivery of people with multiple sclerosis

DISABIL REHABIL , 2013, vol. 35, n° 24, p. 2056-2063
Doc n°: 167463
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2013.800915
Descripteurs : AE3 - SEP

The purpose of this study was to examine the preferred sources and
methods for acquiring physical activity information of individuals with multiple
sclerosis (MS) using the Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking. A secondary
objective was to explore the barriers and facilitators to physical activity
information seeking. METHODS: Twenty-one participants diagnosed with MS
participated in focus groups or telephone interviews. RESULTS: A direct content
analysis of the transcripts revealed that individuals appeared to generally
prefer receiving physical activity information during period of relapse and
remission. Participants also had positive beliefs toward physical activity and a
clear preference for a time when physical activity messages would be relevant.
Receiving physical activity information from credible sources such as the MS
Society of Canada, healthcare professionals and peers with MS was also deemed
important. The Internet was a preferred source to receive information due to its
accessibility, but it often was considered to lack credibility. The lack of
physical activity information specific to MS is the greatest barrier for
individuals with MS to learn about physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare
professionals, National MS Societies, and peers should work together to deliver
specific and relevant physical activity messages the MS population. IMPLICATIONS
FOR REHABILITATION: People with MS want more physical activity information from
credible sources. Multiple vehicles of physical activity information delivery
(i.e. healthcare providers, peers, MS Society) should be utilized. Physical
activity information should be tailored to the individual with MS.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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