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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Provision of assistive technology services method (ATSM) according to evidence-based information and knowledge management

DISABIL REHABIL ASSIST TECHNOL , 2011, vol. 6, n° 5, p. 386-401
Doc n°: 155119
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/17483107.2011.557763
Descripteurs : KF - AIDES TECHNIQUES, JQ - CIF

This article develops a standardised method for assistive technology
service (ATS) provision and a logical basis for research to improve health care
quality. The method is 'interoperable' across disabilities, disciplines,
assistive technology devices and ATSs. BACKGROUND. Absence of a standardised and
interoperable method for ATS provision results in ineffective communication
between providers, manufacturers, researchers, policy-makers and individuals with
disabilities (IWD), a fragmented service delivery system, inefficient resource
allocation and sub-optimal outcomes. OBJECTIVES. Synthesise a standardised,
interoperable AT service method (ATSM) fully consistent with key guidelines,
systems, models and Federal legislation. Express the ATSM using common and
unambiguous language. RESULTS. Guidelines, systems, models and Federal
legislation relevant to ATS provision are reviewed. These include the RESNA
Guidelines for Knowledge and Skills for Provision of Assistive Technology
Products and Services (RESNA Guidelines), IMPACT2 model, international
classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) and AT device
classification (ATDC). Federal legislation includes the Assistive Technology Act
of 2004, Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008 and Social Security Act. Based
on these findings, the ATSM is synthesised and translated into common and
accessible language. CONCLUSION. ATSM usage will improve communication between
stakeholders, service delivery coherence, resource allocation and intervention

Langue : ANGLAIS

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