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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Rehabilitation after multilevel surgery in ambulant spastic children with cerebral palsy : children and parent experiences

DEV NEUROREHABIL , 2010, vol. 13, n° 3, p. 182-191
Doc n°: 145833
Localisation : Accès réservé

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/17518421003606151
Descripteurs : AD32 - SPASTICITE

This study explores post-operative family situation, rehabilitation and
interdisciplinary cooperation for ambulant children with cerebral palsy (CP),
after multilevel surgery. METHODS: Eight ambulant spastic children with varied
severity of CP and their parents were included. Qualitative, semi-structured
interviews were carried out separately with children and parents. RESULTS:
Children experiencing a low degree of post-operative pain were satisfied due to
improved strength and ambulation, leading to increased social participation. A
few experienced severe pain and modest physical improvement. Most families
experienced a lack of information and communication between rehabilitation
levels. Rehabilitation was considered strenuous because of complex and intense
training programmes. Schools were mostly responsive to children's extra
post-operative needs, but some examples of serious neglect and bullying occurred.
CONCLUSION: Results imply the need for systematic securing of interdisciplinary
knowledge transfer regionally and locally by the university hospital, aiming at
empowering families and health professionals involved in this complex rehabilitation.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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