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The physician's role in the vocational rehabilitation process

DISABIL REHABIL , 2002, vol. 24, n° 14, p. 727-733
Doc n°: 106345
Localisation : Documentation IRR

PURPOSE: To describe and analyse physicians' experiences of working with sick-listing and vocational rehabilitation, their perceptions of their co-actors and the interaction they participate in.#10; METHOD: Thematic interviews with 14 physicians in Vasterbotten County, northern Sweden. The physicians were active in primary or occupational health care, or as hospital doctors. The interviews#10; were conducted during the autumn of 1996. The interviews were tape recorded and analysed according to Grounded theory. RESULTS: Feelings of isolation and diminished control, lack of time and#10; increased demands are all seen as obstacles for doing an optimal job with sick-listing and rehabilitation. Other obstacles are insufficient knowledge regarding the labour market and the social insurance#10; legislation. Interaction between primary and in-patient care does not function satisfactorily. The doctors believe in their patients and a majority of the doctors feel that the patients' own understanding#10; of/need for sick-listing guides the doctor in his or her position regarding sick-listing. To facilitate return to work, the doctors encourage part-time sick-listing. CONCLUSIONS: The interviews#10; show that the physicians experience a growing discrepancy between ideal and reality. They want to be able to act as 'team players', but experience increasing demands due to the increased number of patients#10; who are sicker than before. The doctors experience that decision latitude has diminished and this has been followed by less time for patients. #10;

Langue : ANGLAIS

Identifiant basis : 2002224418

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