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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Patellar kinematics : part I - The influence of vastus muscle activity in subjects with and without patellofemoral pain

PHYS THER , 2000, vol. 80, n° 10, p. 956-964
Doc n°: 97635
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : DE55 - PATHOLOGIE GENOU

Twenty-three women (mean age=26.8 years, SD=8.5, range 14-46) with a diagnosis of patellofemoral pain and 12 women (mean age=29.1 years, SD=50., range=24-38) without patellofemoral pain participated. Patellar kinematics (kinematic magnetic resonance imaging) and vastus muscle EMG activity using indwelling electrodes were measures during resisted knee extension. Measurements of medial and lateral patellar displacement and tilt obtained from magnetic resonance images were correlated with normalized vastus lateralis:vastus medialis oblique muscle and vastus lateralis:vastus medialis longus muscle EMG ratios at 45, 36, 27 18, 9, and 0 degrees of knee flexion using a stepwise regression procedure.
The results suggest that increase motor unit activity of the vastus medialis muscle appears to be associated with abnormal patellar kinematics.

Langue : ANGLAIS

Identifiant basis : 2000213561

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