75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Upper limb spasticity reduction following active training : a robot-mediated study in patients with chronic hemiparesis

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects on spasticity of 2 robot-mediated therapies in
patients with chronic hemiparesis. DESIGN: Groups comparison. SUBJECTS:
Thirty-four patients, divided into 2 homogeneous groups. METHODS: Outcome
measures were: motor status score, Modified Ashworth scale, and range of motion.
A pattern of reaching exercises was implemented, in which the direction and
length of the movements were modified with the aim of reducing activity of the
flexor muscles and improving extension of the arm. A 3-month follow-up was
performed. RESULTS: Statistically significant improvements were found in both
groups after treatment. Some differences were found in elbow motor improvement
between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Comparison between groups confirms that active
movement training does not result in increased hypertonia, but results in
spasticity reduction in antagonist muscles by activating the reciprocal
inhibition mechanism. Furthermore, robot-mediated therapy contributes to a
decrease in motor impairment of the upper limbs in subjects with chronic
hemiparesis, resulting in a reduction in shoulder pain.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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