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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Reproducibility and validity of video screen measurements of gait in children with spastic cerebral palsy

PURPOSE: To determine the reproducibility and validity of video screen
measurement (VSM) of sagittal plane joint angles during gait. METHODS: 17
children with spastic cerebral palsy walked on a 10m walkway. Videos were
recorded and 3d-instrumented gait analysis was performed. Two investigators
measured six sagittal joint/segment angles (shank, ankle, knee, hip, pelvis, and
trunk) using a custom-made software package. The intra- and interrater
reproducibility were expressed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC),
standard error of measurements (SEM) and smallest detectable difference (SDD).
The agreement between VSM and 3d joint angles was illustrated by Bland-Altman
plots and limits of agreement (LoA). RESULTS: Regarding the intrarater
reproducibility of VSM, the ICC ranged from 0.99 (shank) to 0.58 (trunk), the SEM
from 0.81 degrees (shank) to 5.97 degrees (trunk) and the SDD from 1.80 degrees
(shank) to 16.55 degrees (trunk). Regarding the interrater reproducibility, the
ICC ranged from 0.99 (shank) to 0.48 (trunk), the SEM from 0.70 degrees (shank)
to 6.78 degrees (trunk) and the SDD from 1.95 degrees (shank) to 18.8 degrees
(trunk). The LoA between VSM and 3d data ranged from 0.4+/-13.4 degrees (knee
extension stance) to 12.0+/-14.6 degrees (ankle dorsiflexion swing). CONCLUSION:
When performed by the same observer, VSM mostly allows the detection of relevant
changes after an intervention. However, VSM angles differ from 3d-IGA and do not
reflect the real sagittal joint position, probably due to the additional
movements in the other planes.
CI - Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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