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Bacteriology of pressure ulcers in individuals with spinal cord injury : What we know and what we should know

J SPINAL CORD MED , 2015, vol. 38, n° 2, p. 147-160
Doc n°: 173737
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1179/2045772314Y.0000000234

Individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) are at increased risk for the
development of pressure ulcers. These chronic wounds are debilitating and
contribute to prolonged hospitalization and worse medical outcome. However, the
species of bacteria and the role that specific species may play in delaying the
healing of chronic pressure ulcers in the SCI population has not been well
characterized. This study will review the literature regarding what is known
currently about the bacteriology of pressure ulcers in individuals with SCI. An
electronic literature search of MEDLINE (1966 to February 2014) was performed.
Eleven studies detailing bacterial cultures of pressure ulcers in the SCI
population met inclusion criteria and were selected for review. Among these
studies, bacterial cultures were often polymicrobial with both aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria identified with culture techniques that varied significantly.
The most common organisms identified in pressure ulcers were Staphylococcus
aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterococcus faecalis. In
general, wounds were poorly characterized with minimal to no physical description
and/or location provided. Our present understanding of factors that may alter the
microbiome of pressure ulcers in individuals with SCI is quite rudimentary, at
best. Well-designed studies are needed to assess appropriate wound culture
technique, the impact of bacterial composition on wound healing, development of
infection, and the optimum medical and surgical approaches to wound care.
- Escarres

Langue : ANGLAIS

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