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Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
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Key characteristics of low back pain and disability in college-aged adults

Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To identify which factors commonly associated with low back pain (LBP)
and disability differ between college-aged persons with LBP and with no or
minimal LBP. DESIGN: Clinical measurement, observational study. Subjects were
assessed for LBP with the visual analog scale (VAS) and for disability from LBP
using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Subjects were measured for variables
commonly associated with LBP and were grouped by both VAS (minimum [min]/no pain,
pain) and ODI (no disability, disability) scores. SETTING: College campus at a
university. PARTICIPANTS: A convenience sample (N=84) of English-speaking
students (34 men, 50 women) between 18 and 30 years of age. INTERVENTIONS: Not
applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sports activity (sports activity score of the
Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire), depression, hamstring and hip flexor
range of motion, low back extensor endurance, abdominal strength and endurance.
RESULTS: A significant main effect of group was found for both pain (P=.019) and
disability groups (P=.006). The min/no pain and pain groups differed in back
endurance (114.2+/-38.8s vs 94.5+/-44.5s, respectively; P=.04). The no disability
and disability groups differed in back endurance (116.3+/-35.9s vs 97.1+/-45.7s,
respectively; P=.03) and the sports activity score of the Baecke Physical
Activity Questionnaire (2.98+/-.95 vs 2.48+/-.85, respectively; P=.01). Subjects
with hyperkyphotic postures compared with the normative thoracic group had higher
depression scores (49 vs 38.5, respectively; P=.03) and less hamstring
flexibility (30.5 vs 49.9, respectively; P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Back extensor
endurance was consistently different between both the pain and disability groups.
Addressing limited low back extensor endurance and low levels of physical
activity in young adults may have clinical relevance for the prevention and
treatment of LBP and disability.
CI - Copyright (c) 2012 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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