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Determinants of participation in further training among workers with

DISABIL REHABIL , 2015, vol. 37, n° 11-13, p. 1009-1016
Doc n°: 175111
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.3109/09638288.2014.948140

PURPOSE: To analyse the determinants of the participation in further training for
workers without and with disabilities in Germany. In particular, we are
interested in testing the hypothesis that people with disabilities are less
likely to receive further training. METHOD: Using longitudinal data from the
German Socio-Economic Panel which covers the period 1989 to 2008, we estimate
panel data regression models that allow us to identify the factors affecting the
likelihood to participate in further training for people without and with
disabilities. The results confirm that workers with disabilities are
less likely to participate in further training as compared to workers without
disabilities (especially among males). In addition, variables such as age, years
of education, occupation and firm size have a significant effect on the
likelihood to get involved in further training for the disabled sample. We also
found that people with disabilities have experienced more intensely the changes
and variations in the participation rates over the period analysed compared to
people without disabilities. CONCLUSIONS: From a public policy perspective, these
findings show the importance of designing and implementing specific training
programs for people with disabilities, which can contribute to maintaining and
increasing their integration in the German labour market. IMPLICATIONS FOR
REHABILITATION: Training and vocational rehabilitation can in many cases be
critical to achieve or secure employment. A person becoming disabled may, even
after completion of the medical rehabilitation process, not be able to continue
to work in the previous occupation. Rehabilitation specialists must be more
involved within the design, provision and implementation of further training.
They can also help to identify adaptive equipment and specific training tools
that contribute to increasing the participation in further training among the
disabled population. However, the odds of participating in further training among
workers with disabilities is around 17% lower than that registered for their
non-disabled counterparts.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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