75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Rehabilitation in skilled nursing centres for elderly people with lower limb amputations

Objectives: To describe the current set-up, barriers and potential for providing
rehabilitation to people with lower limb amputation in skilled nursing centres.
Design: Survey and interviews. Subjects/participants:
Elderly care physicians,
physiotherapists. Methods: In 2011, clinicians from 34 skilled nursing centres
participated in a semi-structured interview covering rehabilitation and daily
care, personal skills and training, team work and communication, and discharge
processes. Results: Each centre sees only a small proportion of people with
amputation (a maximum of 3.6% of all admissions). This limited number of patients
appears to be the main barrier in providing care, as it is difficult for
clinicians to maintain knowledge, and resources are spread widely. Two main areas
of improvement were suggested by participants: (i) use of guidelines in care; and
(ii) collaboration with specialized team members. Conclusion: The spread of
patients across many centres makes it difficult for professionals working in
skilled nursing centres to obtain the necessary skills and knowledge for care of
people with amputation. A designated skilled nursing centre for amputation
rehabilitation is presented as a solution, but smaller clinical changes are also
suggested, including improvements in communication and training.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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