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Differences in Waiting List Prioritization Preferences of Occupational Therapists, Elderly People, and Persons With Disabilities : A Discrete Choice Experiment

ARCH PHYS MED REHABIL , 2018, vol. 99, n° 1, p. 35-42
Doc n°: 186947
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1016/j.apmr.2017.06.031
Descripteurs : KB - ERGOTHERAPIE
Article consultable sur : http://www.archives-pmr.org

OBJECTIVE: To compare the preferences of occupational therapists, elderly people,
and adults with disabilities regarding prioritization criteria for occupational
therapy waiting lists in home care. DESIGN: Discrete choice experiment survey.
SETTING: Survey mailed to occupational therapists working in home care and
community-dwelling elderly or disabled persons. PARTICIPANTS:
A sample (N=714) of
home-based occupational therapists (n=241), elderly persons from a bank of
research participants (n=226), and adults with physical disabilities recruited
through community organizations (n=247). INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN
OUTCOME MEASURES: The dependent variable was whether the referral scenario was
prioritized or not in each question. The results were analyzed through logistic
regression using conditional logit models. RESULTS: Prioritization preferences
differed between groups (P<.001). Occupational therapists most strongly
prioritized people who had a few falls (odds ratio vs no falls, 48.7), whereas
elderly people and adults with disabilities most strongly prioritized people who
were unable to enter and exit the home (odds ratio vs no difficulty entering and
exiting the home, 30.8 for elderly people and 16.8 for persons with
disabilities.) CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the gap between the priorities
of home-based occupational therapists and their target clientele. Although
further inquiry is needed to inform priority setting, the findings emphasize the
importance of public or patient involvement in decisions on waiting list
CI - Copyright (c) 2017 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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