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Fidelity to a motivational interviewing intervention for those with post-stroke
aphasia: a small-scale feasibility study.

TOP STROKE REHABIL , 2018, vol. 25, n° 1, p. 54-60
Doc n°: 188523
Localisation : Centre de Réadaptation de Lay St Christophe

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1080/10749357.2017.1376916

OBJECTIVE: Depression after stroke is common, and talk-based psychological
therapies can be a useful intervention. While a third of stroke survivors will
experience communication difficulties impeding participation in talk-based
therapies, little guidance exists to guide delivery for those with aphasia. We
need to understand how to adapt talk-based therapies in the presence of aphasia.
This study aimed to explore the feasibility of motivational interviewing (MI) in
people with post-stroke aphasia. METHODS: In a small-scale feasibility study,
consecutive patients admitted to an acute stroke ward were screened for
eligibility. People with moderate to severe aphasia were eligible. Those
consenting received an intervention consisting of up to eight MI sessions
delivered twice per week over four weeks. Sessions were modified using aids and
adaptations for aphasia. Session quality was measured using the Motivational
Interviewing Skills Code (MISC) to assess MI fidelity. RESULTS: Three consenting
patients identified early post-stroke took part; one male and two females ages
ranging between 40s and 80s. Participants attended between five and eight MI
sessions over four weeks. Aids and adaptations included visual cues, rating
scales, and modified reflections incorporating verbal and non-verbal behaviors.
Sessions were tailored to individual participant need. Threshold MISC ratings
could be achieved for all participants however, ratings were reduced when aids
and adaptations were not used. DISCUSSION: This small-scale feasibility study
suggests that it is feasible to adapt MI for people with moderate to severe
post-stroke aphasia. These findings merit further exploration of adapted MI as an
intervention for this patient group.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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