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The improvement/rehabilitation of auditory memory functioning with EEG biofeedback

NEUROREHABILITATION , 2002, vol. 17, n° 1, p. 69-80
Doc n°: 104657
Localisation : Documentation IRR
Descripteurs : KA65 - BIOFEED-BACK

Five clinical case studies (1 normal, 3 brain injured and 1 subject who had a left frontal hematoma) are presented which addressed the effectiveness of EEG biofeedback for auditory memory impairment. A normative QEEG activation database of 59 right-handed subjects was developed, which delineated the QEEG variables which were positively related to auditory memory performance (paragraphs). Persons who had experienced a brain injury underwent the same procedure employed in the development of the database. The person's values on the effective parameters of memory functioning were determined. EEG biofeedback interventions were determined by the individual's deviation from the normative reference group in terms of the relevant QEEG parameters of effective auditory memory (paragraph recall). Improvements ranged from 39% subjects who had a follow up assessment that occurred from one month to one year following termination of treatment.

Langue : ANGLAIS

Tiré à part : OUI

Identifiant basis : 2002222594

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