75 Boulevard Lobau
54042 NANCY cedex

Christelle Grandidier Documentaliste
03 83 52 67 64

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Kinematic variables quantifying upper-extremity performance after stroke during reaching and drinking from a glass

Three-dimensional kinematic analysis provides quantitative and
qualitative assessment of upper-limb motion and is used as an outcome measure to
evaluate impaired movement after stroke. The number of kinematic variables used,
however, is diverse, and models for upper-extremity motion analysis vary.
The authors aim to identify a set of clinically useful and sensitive
kinematic variables to quantify upper-extremity motor control during a purposeful
daily activity, that is, drinking from a glass. For this purpose, 19
participants with chronic stroke and 19 healthy controls reached for a glass of
water, took a sip, and placed it back on a table in a standardized way. An
optoelectronic system captured 3-dimensional kinematics. Kinematical parameters
describing movement time, velocity, strategy and smoothness, interjoint
coordination, and compensatory movements were analyzed between groups. RESULTS:
The majority of kinematic variables showed significant differences between study
groups. The number of movement units, total movement time, and peak angular
velocity of elbow discriminated best between healthy participants and those with
stroke as well as between those with moderate (Fugl-Meyer scores of 39-57) versus
mild (Fugl-Meyer scores of 58-64) arm impairment. In addition, the measures of
compensatory trunk and arm movements discriminated between those with moderate
and mild stroke impairment. CONCLUSION: Kinematic analysis in this study
identified a set of movement variables during a functional task that may serve as
an objective assessment of upper-extremity motor performance in persons who can
complete a task, such as reaching and drinking, after stroke.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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