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Comparison of reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the mini-BESTest and Berg Balance Scale in patients with balance disorders

PHYS THER , 2013, vol. 93, n° 2, p. 158-167
Doc n°: 161456
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.2522/ptj.20120171

Recently, a new tool for assessing dynamic balance impairments has
been presented: the 14-item Mini-BESTest. The aim of this study was to
compare the psychometric performance of the Mini-BESTest and the Berg Balance
Scale (BBS). DESIGN: A prospective, single-group, observational design was used
in the study. METHODS: Ninety-three participants (mean age=66.2 years, SD=13.2;
53 women, 40 men) with balance deficits were recruited. Interrater (3 raters) and
test-retest (1-3 days) reliability were calculated using intraclass correlation
coefficients (ICCs). Responsiveness and minimal important change were assessed
(after 10 sessions of physical therapy) using both distribution-based and
anchor-based methods (external criterion: the 15-point Global Rating of Change
[GRC] scale). RESULTS: At baseline, neither floor effects nor ceiling effects
were found in either the Mini-BESTest or the BBS. After treatment, the maximum
score was found in 12 participants (12.9%) with BBS and in 2 participants (2.1%)
with Mini-BESTest. Test-retest reliability for total scores was significantly
higher for the Mini-BESTest (ICC=.96) than for the BBS (ICC=.92), whereas
interrater reliability was similar (ICC=.98 versus .97, respectively). The
standard error of measurement (SEM) was 1.26 and the minimum detectable change at
the 95% confidence level (MDC(95)) was 3.5 points for Mini-BESTest, whereas the
SEM was 2.18 and the MDC(95) was 6.2 points for the BBS. In receiver operating
characteristic curves, the area under the curve was 0.92 for the Mini-BESTest and
0.91 for the BBS. The best minimal important change (MIC) was 4 points for the
Mini-BESTest and 7 points for the BBS. After treatment, 38 participants evaluated
with the Mini-BESTest and only 23 participants evaluated with the BBS (out of the
40 participants who had a GRC score of >/= 3.5) showed a score change equal to or
greater than the MIC values. LIMITATIONS: The consecutive sampling method drawn
from a single rehabilitation facility and the intrinsic weakness of the GRC for
calculating MIC values were limitations of the study. CONCLUSIONS: The 2 scales
behave similarly, but the Mini-BESTest appears to have a lower ceiling effect,
slightly higher reliability levels, and greater accuracy in classifying
individual patients who show significant improvement in balance function.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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