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An international survey of patients living with spasticity

DISABIL REHABIL , 2017, vol. 39, n° 14, p. 1428-1434
Doc n°: 185518
Localisation : Documentation IRR

D.O.I. : http://dx.doi.org/DOI:10.1080/09638288.2016.1198432
Descripteurs : AD32 - SPASTICITE

PURPOSE: To better understand patient perspectives on the life impact of
spasticity. METHODS: Global Internet survey (April 2014-May 2015) of 281 people
living with spasticity. RESULTS: Respondents indicated that spasticity has a
broad impact on their daily-life: 72% reported impact on quality of life, 44%
reported loss of independence and 44% reported depression. Most respondents (64%)
were cared for by family members, of whom half had stopped working or reduced
their hours. Overall, 45% reported dissatisfaction with the information provided
at diagnosis; main reasons were "not enough information" (67%) and "technical
terminology" (36%). Respondents had high treatment expectations; 63% expected to
be free of muscle spasm, 41% to take care of themselves and 36% to return to a
normal routine. However, 33% of respondents had not discussed these expectations
with their physician. The most common treatments were physiotherapy (75%),
botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT, 73%) and oral spasmolytics (57%). Of those treated
with BoNT, 47% waited >1 year from spasticity onset to treatment. CONCLUSIONS:
This survey emphasises the broad impact of spasticity and highlights unmet needs
in the patient journey. Improvements with regards to communication and the
therapeutic relationship would be especially welcomed by patients, and would help
manage treatment expectations. Implications of Rehabilitation Spasticity has
broad impact on the lives of patients and their families that extends beyond the
direct physical disability. Patients with spasticity need to be well informed
about their condition and treatments available and should be given the
opportunity to discuss their expectations. Physicians need to be aware of the
patient's individual needs and expectations in order to better help them achieve
their therapeutic goals.

Langue : ANGLAIS

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